Women in Information and Computer Science at the University of Arizona
What is WICS?
WICS is a student-run club at the University of Arizona. Our purpose is to support underrepresented genders in technology at the University of Arizona. We do this by creating a sense of community, helping each other explore topics in computing, and developing professional skills together.
What Kinds of Activities Does WICS Host?
WICS has weekly meetings during the school year. At our meetings, we may have a speaker or panel about a computing-related topic, a workshop about a specific technology, or a professional development activity. We also have several social and professional events each semester.
We hope that by participating in WICS, you will build a social and professional network of other students in majors related to computing.
Can I Join As An Ally?
You don't have to identify as female to join WICS. If you want to see more diversity in the tech field and want to help create a community that encourages women entering the field to succeed, you are more than welcome to join. We would love to have you as part of our community!
How Can I Join?
Our weekly meetings are every Thursday at 6:00pm. Join our mailing list for more information or check us out on Instagram and Discord! Come to a meeting and see what we're all about! No RSVP required.